It's 2018 and we've met twice already (yay!) but now that it's March, and we're fully in the swing of things, you might be wondering: what's next? Well, we've read six books together so far!
I'm announcing our next books and meeting through the end of August, 2018. See all dates & books listed out here.

For round #7, we are going to tag along with the UHM LIS Diversity Council's bookclub. They're reading Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People.

For pick #8, my friend Emily (who lives on the mainland, but wants to read along with our Hawai'i crew nonetheless) picked The Year of Magical Thinking.

By pick #9, it'll have been a year since our first meeting, and time for me to pick a book again. I chose something still a little dark, but much more light-hearted than our current streak: A Darker Shade of Magic. It's a little moody, but still very fun. I think everyone will really enjoy reading a fast-paced fantasy. Note that it's the first book in a trilogy, but it can be read as a standalone.
At our last in-person meet-up, our group noted that two of our six reads so far have ended with a main character turning out to be trans. We noticed that in a way, it could be interpreted that their being trans contributed to their secrets or evilness, in some way. To combat that, I've made the executive decision to pick our next two books after my personal pick.

First, I chose a new release (as of February, 2018, so hopefully by the time we read this over the summer it'll be available in libraries) by a trans woman. Freshwater, a debut novel, explores the surreal experience of having a fractured self. "It centers around a young Nigerian woman, Ada, who develops separate selves within her as a result of being born "with one foot on the other side.""

The second book I picked is Redefining Realness, the memoir of trans activist Janet Mock, who incidentally was born in Hawai'i and is part Hawaiian.
Please check here for dates and as always, happy reading!!!