I wanted to share this article I found: https://lithub.com/david-hayden-men-still-too-often-see-their-writing-as-the-canon/
ALong with a passage that struck me:
What does it mean to read only books by men, and for the most part—and let’s face it, much of the time exclusively—white men? It means, in part, that the reader participates in the idea, which runs, invisible and toxic, through our culture, that the default human is male. And, so often partnered with this, that maleness is unitary, obvious and unchallengeable in other ways, encompassing the hallucinations and actualities of race, sexuality, and class. What happens when readers don’t push into the prevailing wind, don’t strain against the tide? What happens when, as readers, we do not travel across the structures and the lines of the obvious and the given, seeking out the openings, the intersections? We get what is served and consider it freely chosen. We might experience culture as nature, as fundamentally unchanging and unchangeable. And, most of all, we might turn away from each other.