We have a group on Goodreads! I've noticed most of us aren't on there (or at least, I've only found a handful of you).
I personally LOVE Goodreads because it's the easiest way for me to keep track of what I'm reading, have read already, and want to remember to read in the future.
It's fast, easy, and free to create an account. You can even just sign in through Twitter, Facebook, Google, or Amazon.

Once you're signed in, you can:
join groups
curate your own bookshelves
make and follow lists
find friends
rate and review books
set and track a personal reading goal/participate in the yearly reading challenge
and more!

It doesn't particularly matter to our book club that you join Goodreads, but one of my favorite things about the site is that I can see what my friends are reading (and we can recommend books to each other with one click) so I personally would love to see you on there (#booksquad).