HEEYYYYYYYY FRIENDS! How's everyone's summer going? I feel like nothing ever slows down, even here in the islands :/
Summer expectation:
Summer reality:
But anyways, here are some on theme for July (books by and about trans people) links I wanted to share. This month we're reading two books by and about trans authors who identify as she/her (but we're pushing the boundaries a bit on our "books by women" theme, since Emezi does not identify as a woman).
Please leave a comment if you have anything related to share! And see you July 21 for book club brunch :)
(P.S. THEY'RE NOT ALL "TRANS") by transgender writer and scholar Jordy Rosenberg
Redefining Realness by Janet Mock (Book Review) on The Feminist Wire: "To date, there exist only a select number of memoirs written by self-identified Black trans or drag-queen men and women."
The 25 Best LGBTQ Movies to Watch (according to Teen Vogue)
Janet Mock's website: https://janetmock.com/
Akwaeke Emezi's website: https://www.akwaeke.com/
GLAAD's Transgender FAQ